I'm so glad you're here

what brings you in today?

My approach looks a little bit like...

One of the ways I support my clients is through my relationship with them. You may have heard about relational therapy in your journey to finding the right therapist, and I definitely lean into that way of doing things. Since your experiences and relationships (particularly early ones) play a part in your life, they also play a part in our work. 

As a therapist, I try to connect as a human first, getting to know you within your own ecosystem. I’ll learn about any trauma you may have experienced, and any relationship patterns you've developed, or communication styles you engage in. I’ll help you draw the throughline connecting those *cue that one Always Sunny meme*, and find your way forward. 

Some other buzz words that may come up in our work together are mindfulness and self-compassion. In fact, you may want to check out a list of some of the frameworks I put to use in our work together. Take a look here.

Along the way, I’m pretty radically open. It’s a more human, less “filtered” therapy experience; you’ll get a sneak peek into my emotions as your therapist, that tends to help my clients show up for themselves in and out of session. You’ve probably had emotions invalidated or dismissed, so imagine how helpful it might be to hear, “yeah that DOES suck, you SHOULD be upset” (where appropriate, of course). That validation contributes to the therapeutic process, allowing you to feel safe and work towards healing with me as your therapist… and forever resident hype girl.

put a finger down if... 

you really feel like you could be doing more with your life if you weren't so stuck in your head all the time!

you think you're supposed to be really excited about what's going on in your life... but you just aren't

you find yourself waiting until you feel better about your body to do that next big thing on your bucket list

you need someone to hype you up no matter what (and also talk you down a notch or two every once in a while)

you know all the coping skills but you're still just persistently sad or anxious

I might tell you what you don’t want to hear (gently, I promise!). I might ask you to unpack some stuff with me. But at the end of the day, your secrets* are safe with me–those really ugly ones you don’t want to share? Yeah, those, I won’t judge them. Your experience is yours and you are in charge. I’m just here to guide you through your own experience in the best way that I can to help you along the way with the tools that I have.

*confidentiality agreement/laws still apply. I still won’t judge you, but…

reach out

Be (almost) everything you want to be, for you first.

reach out

my background

about how I got here...

I'm a spin enthusiast, dog-turned-human mom, and keen listener. I'm also a beverage goblin, a paint gem aficionado, and a big fan of dark humor. And of course, a therapist. See that? I’m more than just one thing, and I know that you are, too. As a recovering perfectionist, I am really here for helping emerging adults, young professionals, moms, and really just modern women recover from the crippling and often paralyzing effects of anxiety and perfectionism, and show themselves more care.

All of my training is in community mental health clinics, and I am trained in a number of evidence-based modalities, including DBT; CBT; and EMDR, among others.

what's a get to know you without my LA Stats? 



human design

group fitness class

part of town

two, duh




santa monica

simple definitions of therapy terms

Because you shouldn't have to keep asking yourself "what does that even mean?" in your search for a therapist.

Attachment- Focused

How relationships with primary caregivers impacts the way we are in relationships today

Relational Therapy

How we use the relationship between us, therapist and client, to help you grow and heal


How the past might be affecting you in the present


“Moment-to-moment awareness, with as little judgment as possible” - Jon Kabat-Zinn


Don't be a jerk to yourself


Learn more here.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. How thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are related to one another.


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Skills to help manage intense emotions, cope with challenges, and improve relationships by accepting reality and combining opposing ideas.


A form of trauma therapy, called Eye Movement Reprocessing Therapy. Learn more here.


How I work and the approaches or other tools I use in our work together 

Be (almost) everything you want to be, for you first.

reach out