I need a therapist who


what brings you in today

You probably wear a lot of hats in your life:

partner, friend, parent, employee. High-achieving young professional--motivated and successful. To others, you may seem gregarious and outgoing. You put a lot of pressure on yourself to do things the “right” way, although you’re not quite sure what that means. You care deeply, sometimes to a fault. Maybe you live with crippling perfectionism, and have no idea what self-compassion is. Your sense of identity has been altered in some way--by the effects of trauma, anxiety, or some experience that just keeps gnawing at you. You want to find your way back to yourself, but you don’t know where to start.

That’s where I help.

I use my sense of humor, kindness, and warmth to help you grow. I’m your supporter and advocate. I ask you to dig deep, to question long-standing assumptions about yourself, your experience, and society. I walk alongside you, asking you to clear out old ideas and experiences so you can make room for new ones.

We slay the monsters together. We work together to explore life balance, using the therapeutic relationship to empower you, help you define your future, and live your most authentic life. Our time together helps you gain insight into your patterns, beliefs, and blind spots. You encounter a renewed sense of hope, and a vital confidence that helps propel you forward.

what to expect

You don't need to spend an extra ounce of energy proving to me that you are worthy. That you are fiercely capable. That you are doing your best. That you're handling what this life has thrown at you. That you are enough. I believe in you, full stop. Period. As your resident hype girl, I will come to every session knowing that, and ready to remind you on the days that you forget. I will pour empathy and warmth into each session, ready to hear where you're at and help you find healing.

resident hype girl

I believe in holding space for multiple truths. In fact, my clients have (lovingly, I hope) nicknamed me the 'Yes, And Queen'. I’ll acknowledge where you’re at and validate your experience, while also helping you explore other possibilities and perspectives. Growth often comes from seeing that things aren’t always black and white, and I’m here to help you navigate those gray areas with compassion and clarity

yes, and

I bring my authentic self to each session, and that includes a little dark humor when it feels right. Sometimes, a good laugh can make things just a bit easier, and I believe humor is a powerful way to connect and lighten the load as we work through the tough stuff together.


Your default is probably not to be gentle or kind to yourself. You criticize yourself enough, you don’t need a therapist to do more of that. I'm all about being real and direct, but with a gentle, warm approach. Just so we’re clear, that doesn't mean we let things slide--I'll hold you accountable, but gently. I'm laid-back and grounded, and I’m here to help guide you without making things feel heavier than they already are. 

gentle kindness

True understanding starts with curiosity. I take the time to get to know you as a person and explore your unique experiences and context. By connecting with you on a human level first, I can better understand what's really going on and offer the most effective support for your journey.


I’m on your team, no matter what. If someone else is in the wrong, I won't hesitate to throw a little shade (we all need validation)—but when it comes to your blind spots, I’ll help you see them with kindness, making sure you feel supported as you work through it.

do no harm but take no shit


By the way, I'm Kate.

get to know me

I treat relationships in the therapy room like I do in life. I want to hear what you have to say, how you feel, and what you think. I listen first, and approach things from a grounded standpoint. I call it like I see it. You'll know exactly what I think: I'll let you know when I think you should try looking at something a different way, I'll back you up when you're giving someone more empathy than they deserve, and stop and try again when I think we need to work on something together.

Be (almost) everything you want to be, for you first.

reach out